Business Model Design & Innovation

Business Model Design and Innovation

Through our years of interactions and service provision arrangements with our clients and networks, we gathered most business owners have the following common inquiries concerning their businesses and operations:

  1. What are the key elements of operating a business?
  2. For the same products or services sold by different companies in the same market, why are the results vastly different from one another? In other words, why do some companies outperform others despite the same market, products, and services? and
  3. Why some have achieved great success while some have failed in their business ventures?

Given the vast changes in the external business environment, which are characterized by a rapid increase in operational costs, market competition, a high-interest rates, a decline in consumer spending, deglobalization, and more importantly, the arrival of the information age which online platforms have posted significant threats to offline businesses, it is becoming more relevant for business owners to develop a right and thorough understanding on the answers to the abovementioned inquiries. Since a false understanding and failure to take immediate and corrective actions could potentially translate to major business losses and eventual failures.

Lifeline and Core Elements of a Business

In our opinion, all companies have one lifeline and 3 core elements that define their success and failure.

Lifeline of a Business

The lifeline of a successful company lies in its ability to create unique and long-lasting consumer value through its products and services.

As mentioned by Steve Jobs, former co-founder of Apple Inc.:
“The group of people that do not use quality in their marketing are the Japanese. You never see them using quality in their marketing. It’s only the American companies that do. And yet if you ask people on the street, which products have the best reputation for quality, they will tell you the Japanese products.”

The answer to the above is customers do not form their opinions based on quality from marketing or awards won by the companies. Instead, they form their opinions on quality from their own experience with the products or services.

3 Core Elements of a Business

The 3 core elements of most businesses are the (i) Flow, (ii) Teams, and (iii) Business Model.

Flow is defined as who are the targeted group of people that the products and/or services of the company aim to offer and what problems can be solved. This flow comprises several categories, such as product flow, information flow, customer flow, cash flow, etc.

Teams are a group of people that provide help and support to ensure the customers’ values associated with the products and/or services can be realized.

Business Model refers to the best, fastest, and most efficient ways to complete the business process.

Core Element – Flow

Flow is the most important among the 3 core elements. Without flow, a company will not survive. Therefore, business owners are highly recommended to truly understand and identify what are the flows of their businesses. For example, a restaurant located in a good area that also serves good food and customer service, but its businesses are underperforming. Preliminary assessment could be due to a lack of customer flow, but thorough assessments reveal it is caused by the lack of information flow since no one knows or even heard of this restaurant. Upon identifying the flow that the restaurant is lacking, the right strategies must be in place to translate the strategies into actions in the course of increasing the quantity of the information flows. Next is to find ways to turn these flows into customers. Finally, seeks ways to work with existing customers to extend to more new customers.

We have a track record of successfully helping business owners of several industries including foods and beverages, manufacturers, services-oriented companies such as hair care and SPA, and other industries in the following 3 key aspects of flow:

  1. Increase the flow;
  2. Turn the flow into customers;
  3. Extension to more new customers through existing customers.

Core Element – Teams

Our experiences reveal any successful business owners will always be supported by a strong team with their interests in alignment with the company’s interests. In other words, the team and the business owners are common interest parties. It is relevant to note the definition of team encompasses the employees and business partners of a company.

Business owners need to be supported by a strong team since the team plays a key role in delivering the right values and experiences to customers. In other words, team support is essential to delivering quality elements to customers.

Our experiences further reveal that should a company solve the people’s problems, the majority of the company’s problems can be resolved. The problem of people comprises of 3 major aspects below:

  1. Selecting the right people;
  2. Use the right people;
  3. Train the right people.

Over the years, we have gathered extensive experience and achieved remarkable track records in successfully assisting business owners and companies in transforming their management structure, and systems to meet the below objectives:

  1. Aligning the interests of people with the company’s interest;
  2. Escalating the motivation of the company’s employees to outperform the assigned missions and targets.

Core Element – Business Model

Business models encompass a wide spectrum of business activities which ultimately transform into a system that facilitates faster and more efficient ways to complete the business process without jeopardizing the customer’s value.

The outcomes of the healthy business model are often reflected in the following aspects:

  1. Capacity growth;
  2. Profitability growth;
  3. Performance growth; and
  4. Organizational growth.

Our team and professional allies have proven experiences and track records in proposing a wide range of innovative strategies for all major business functions of the company, including but not limited to products and services, distribution channels, business systems and operations, business tools, product and service pricing, business expansion, project and business financing, and many more.

Should your company encounter a series of business barriers such as capacity and expansion bottleneck, continued growth in fixed costs that eat up the minimal profit margin, a severe lack of motivation among employees and/or business partners, failure in raising sufficient funds for your company and other barriers that deter business growth as well as escalating signals of business failure, we strongly recommend you to contact us as early as possible for a free consultation of preliminary solutions before the problems further deteriorate to a stage of no return.

Encountering Business Challenges?

Let’s talk about how we can assist and raise together.

Let us together build a flourishing business

When connected with us, you aren’t growing your business alone. We have your back and put in our best to contribute to the growth of your entire team and organization. So, if you are looking for the right consultant that’ll help you overcoming business and operational challenges, and bring in more conversions and revenue, we are right here!